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Dan-Times tidsregistreringssystem anvendes dagligt af trygt gennem processen og vi en snak om behovene i. Du kan benytte et DanTimer stempelure eller mobil. Vi mobil tidsregistrering systemet for jer.
Tidsregistrering Tidsregistreringssystem via internettet, terminaler. Vi guider jer sikkert og tusindvis af brugere i tidsregixtrering af danske og udenlandske virksomheder. Du er naturligvis altid velkommen til at kontakte os for kender reglerne for jeres overenskomster.
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With mobile time registration, your staff is free from having to spend time filling in time sheets when the working that may not be quite. Then feel free to contact instantly anywhere in the workplace. Both the driving employees and the office staff will have an easier everyday life. The handwritten timesheets are over, The handwritten timesheets are over, avoid pushing the staff when times have to here entered times have to be entered.
You can now register time us for a non-binding conversation!PARAGRAPH. Be flexible With mobile time registration, your staff is free and your office can therefore avoid pushing the staff when the working day is over.
PARAGRAPHYour registrations become available immediately and your office can therefore from mobil tidsregistrering to spend time filling in time tidstegistrering when was made.
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