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Objects - Create grids particles visually in the new Designer. Glitters and sparkles stylized for motion graphics and text. In this case, please use motion graphics and visual effects. Subscribed unsubscribe Subscribe Subscribe. Objects - Create grids particles industry-standard package for motion graphics Windows and is compatible with Adobe After Effects, while some of the tools also work and visual effects.
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After Effects CC 2018 Particle Logo Trapcode Particular TutorialTrapcode Particularrequired! Fully editable template; Color of the particles based on logo. Also you can play with color of some particles (based on logo color. Trapcode Particular + plugin is required; Easiest project structure: drop logo � get result! Works perfectly with logos or text; Editable Colors; Duration �. Create particles in one click (sparks, smoke, unique)! � Compatible with After EffectsCS6, CC12, CC14, CC15 and above � Required plug-inTrapcode.