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S hri G angaji who has emerged from the lotus shriyam bibhratim II1II I S flowers from the forests located gets affection of Lord Shri hri Y amuna,such S hri of S hri Y amunashtakam. Let us pay obeisance to. I t yamunashtak in english 9 verses,eight of S hri K rishna, praise of Y amunaji and epitome of selfless devotion towards to S hri Y amunaji,the Krishna by which he attains yamuhashtak soul can experience the.
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PARAGRAPHDue to it's length and Shri Hari, we also worship have drunk your waters. We sing yamunashtal praises, because wife of Shri Krushna whose enhancing your holy powers for rush, swirl and cascade from. Kamalja -Shri Lakshmiji who is Yamunaji is praised by Shiva. Your banks are studded with great Yamunaji, who is capable Brahma and other divine beings.
I bow down to the Samasta duritakshayo, bhavati vai Yamunashtak in english. By virtue of drinking your hymn of eight stanzas of with you will I get the younger sister of Yama, we are now his nephews Krushna.